How Electromagnetic Methods Detect Underground Utilities Made of Conductive Materials

Electromagnetic techniques are a go-to solution for locating underground utilities crafted from conductive materials like steel and copper. These utilities often include essential infrastructure such as water pipes, natural gas and fuel lines, as well as electricity and telephone cables.

The Detection Process

  1. Inducing Radio Frequencies: To pinpoint these utilities, a radio frequency is introduced onto the utility line. This frequency travels along the conductor.
  2. Above-Ground Detection: As the signal journeys along the utility, it can be detected above ground using a radio frequency antenna. This allows surveyors to follow the path of the utility without physical excavation.
  3. Self-Radiating Fields: Some buried utilities, especially electrical and telephone lines, naturally emit their own electromagnetic fields. These can be detected directly by a radio frequency (RF) receiver, eliminating the need to actively induce a current.

Determining Utility Location

By identifying the points of strongest signal strength with the RF receiver at various locations, surveyors can accurately trace the route of these underground utilities. This process is crucial for ensuring maintenance, avoiding accidental damage, and planning new construction.


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    Certified Utility Locating Instructor on Staff.

    GeoTek's Technical Staff are certified by UTA as a Certified Professional Utility Locator.


    GeoTek Services employs Ground Penetrating Radar best practices and methods specified by ASTM.

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